cosmetic dentist in dubai

Cosmetic Dentistry in Dubai

You can enhance your smile by fixing flaws through Cosmetic Dentistry. Sejovi Dental & Implant Centre in Dubai is a leading cosmetic dental clinic that utilizes top-notch techniques and innovations to offer world-class aesthetic dentistry. This can help you achieve a stunning smile that you’ll be proud to show off.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Dubai

Dental imperfections such as crooked, stained or missing teeth can prevent people from smiling and lower their self-esteem as they may feel embarrassed about what others will think. A smile can make life more beautiful.

Our goal is to give you a smile that is not only beautiful but also natural, healthy, long-lasting, and comfortable. Our Cosmetic Dentists utilize a holistic approach called Smile Design to create your dream smile. They will carefully examine your teeth and create a personalized smile that best suits your facial features using our Smile Design and Facial Aesthetic software.With this software, you can preview how your smile will look after cosmetic dental treatment, using realistic mock-up images. Cosmetic dentistry can fix common aesthetic tooth problems such as stained, chipped, cracked, crooked or rotated teeth, as well as teeth with gaps.

Cosmetic Dentistry in dubai

Single or Combination of Treatments

The cosmetic dentistry procedures consist of a variety of treatments. You might need one or a combination of treatments.

Teeth Whitening

A whiter and brighter smile is now within your reach with teeth whitening. It is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. It lightens teeth and removes stains and discolorations giving you pearly white teeth. We offer our patients the flexibility to choose between getting treated in our clinic. The treatment in the clinics is performed using lasers that can whiten your teeth up to 8 shades of light in less than an hour.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are extremely thin shells made of translucent porcelain that can be bonded to your teeth. This is an excellent option to cover a chipped or cracked tooth or close gaps between your teeth. They are strong, durable, and a non-invasive way of transforming your smile.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Our cosmetic dentists apply a thin layer of a tooth-colored resin composite material to your teeth, instantly improving its appearance. It needs little or absolutely no tooth preparation and thus preserves the natural tooth. Dental bonding is more affordable and rapidly changes the contour of your teeth in a single sitting.

Invisible Braces

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten teeth without metal brackets and wires that are uncomfortable and unattractive. It is a clear alternative to metal braces for adults and teens. It consists of a series of aligners that are virtually invisible and completely removable. Unlike traditional braces, with Invisalign, you can eat, drink, and brush with comfort. Ceramic braces and lingual braces are other types of aesthetic orthodontic options.

Ceramic Dental Crowns

They are natural-looking restorations used when the entire tooth needs to be covered. The ceramic crowns are very strong, stain resistant, and can rejuvenate your smile.

The cost of cosmetic dental treatment depends on the unique features of your face and mouth, as well as your specific treatment goals. It varies from person to person and is based on the type of treatment needed and the extent of work required.

Our cosmetic dentists use our smile design software to analyze your face, jaws and teeth and plan your smile digitally. You can preview the final result of the treatment using this technology. We ensure natural and long-lasting results at an affordable price by using high-quality materials and modern techniques. The cost of cosmetic dental treatment may vary. Contact us today to determine which cosmetic dental procedure is suitable for you.

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