Teeth Scaling & Polishing

Teeth Scaling & Polishing Treatment in Dubai

Teeth scaling and polishing is a dental treatment in dubai that involves the removal of plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth. Followed by polishing to remove any surface stains and smooth the tooth surfaces. Scaling is the process of using a special tool to remove the hard, mineralized plaque and tartar buildup that cannot be removed through regular brushing and flossing. The hygienist or dentist will carefully scrape away the buildup from the teeth and below the gum line, using both manual and ultrasonic tools.

Why do you need to do scaling & polishing?

Teeth Scaling and polishing in dubai is an important part of maintaining good oral health and preventing dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay. Here are some reasons why scaling and polishing is necessary:

  1. Remove Plaque and Tartar: Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and can harden into tartar. Scaling helps to remove the buildup of tartar and plaque that cannot be removed by regular brushing and flossing. Which can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay.
  2. Prevent Gum Disease: Gum disease occurs when the buildup of bacteria and plaque in the mouth causes inflammation and infection in the gums. Scaling and polishing can help remove the bacteria and plaque buildup, preventing gum disease and promoting healthy gums.
  3. Improve Oral Hygiene: Scaling and polishing can help improve your oral hygiene by removing any buildup of bacteria and plaque. Which can help prevent bad breath and promote a healthier mouth.
  4. Enhance Aesthetics: Polishing can help remove surface stains from the teeth and make them appear cleaner and brighter. which can enhance the overall appearance of your smile.
dental cleaning & polishing in dubai

Procedures involved in scaling & polishing

Scaling: Scaling is a dental procedure that involves the removal of tartar and plaque buildup from the surface of teeth and below the gum line. Plaque is a hardened form of Tartar that cannot be removed by regular brushing and flossing, and can only be removed through professional dental cleaning. During scaling our dentist uses special tools to carefully scrape away the tartar and plaque from the teeth. Including areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush or floss. They may use both manual and ultrasonic scalers to remove the buildup.

Polishing: Polishing is a dental procedure that is often performed after scaling. To remove surface stains from the teeth and smooth the tooth surfaces. It is typically done using a special polishing tool and gritty toothpaste. During polishing, the dentist will use the polishing tool to apply the toothpaste to the teeth. Then use a gentle, circular motion to polish the tooth surfaces. The toothpaste used in polishing contains abrasives that help to remove surface stains and smooth the tooth surfaces.

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